Having problems writing your next programming article?

Having problems writing your next programming article?

Try these simple ideas

Weeks passed by after my first article and I didn’t know what to write. It was as if I’ve lost my urge for writing. Totally out of ideas! It can happen, but don’t worry; I’ve got you.

In this article, I’m going to give some quick shots for you to try and get yourself up to start writing technical articles again to achieve your writing goals. So let’s get started.

Write about the problems you faced

Programmers spend most of their time on fixing bugs rather than building new features.

Throughout your career, you were faced with many problems while coding and programming specific systems or the framework setups or anything that relates to programming. And sometimes you must have solved a problem with a unique solution that you didn’t find on the internet; you figured it out by yourself. You can write about that solution. Try to generalize your solution if it is possible, so that it targets a greater number of audiences.

Write about upcoming tech

We, the programmers, need to stay in the arena. Knowing upcoming technologies is like water for us, if we don’t update ourselves with the new upcoming technologies, we won’t stay hydrated and eventually, we’ll be kicked out.

You can follow your favorite tech’s social media profiles or subscribe for the emails from their website to get the updates about the upcoming / newly released stuff. Then study the new tech thoroughly and work with practical examples. And then turn your experiences into articles with such explanations that could benefit the reader if he’s going to use this new tech. You can write about the feature updates that a tech / framework gets, with working examples to make it easy for the reader to implement new changes into their system.

Career struggle

Throughout your career, you had many ups and downs. What was the inspiration that guided you to programming. Your struggles in finding your dream job. How did you land your first programming job. What technical interviews you went through. There’s a whole lot to write from your programming journey. You just need to find it, focus on your past. You have gone through such experiences that might inspire the beginners to continue on to their endeavors no matter the cost.

Read articles to develop

When you read other peoples’ work, you are grooming yourself. You get different ideas to work on. Read about your favorite tech stack to learn it deeply and then make articles about your findings from those studies.

Do analysis on others’ articles

(This part is connected with the above one.) When you read a technical article. Read it multiple times; try to find something missing or weird etc. Thoroughly investigate the articles that are solving any technical issues. You will find loopholes (these are usually not easy to be spotted, you have to give it some extra effort). Once you find, then discuss those loopholes in the responses section with long thoughtful comments. It will increase your writing abilities, and technical understandings specifically. And by discussing it with others, your following and popularity would also increase on the platform. As a result of these analyses, you will develop in yourself an understanding of finding problems. You can also make new articles on fixing the loopholes that you found from others’ articles and present them in different scenarios with different titles.

Don’t get enough time for writing?

This is the problem that the majority of us are having. Specifically when one has recently started writing and thinks that this is not my thing; it’ll only waste my time; I’m not that good enough. This is the first rule, you have to believe in yourself and YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT TIME. Give it at least one hour everyday. Find the exact time from your daily routine and Be Consistent. Consistency will surely lead to reward!

Finally, I would say, it is you who gets to decide your future. You want to be a writer. You are a writer. You just need to put some time and effort into it. Think on these ideas and any other that comes to your mind, brainstorm it. You will find plenty to write about. If you finally get some idea to start writing, then DO NOT think this is not a good idea, afterwards. Just put this idea into words. By doing so will increase your knowledge and research capabilities and eventually you will start to get your hands on it. Don’t be afraid of failures. No one is a Born-Perfect-Writer. Everyone has to go through some struggle until they start getting fruits from it.

Now start writing about what you are thinking. You’re thinking about writing something, right? Yeah, better start writing.

Thank you for reading. I hope you learned something new today☺.

Until next time.

Happy Writing!